#1217a: SEMBÈNE, Ousmane: Emitaï (1971)

SEMBÈNE, Ousmane (Senegal)
Emitaï [1971]
Spine #1217a

With revolutionary outrage, Ousmane Sembène chronicles a period during World War II when French colonial forces in Senegal conscripted young men of the Diola people and attempted to seize rice stores for soldiers back in Europe. As the tribe’s patriarchal leaders pray and make sacrifices to their gods, the women in the community refuse to yield their harvests, incurring the French army’s wrath. With a deep understanding of the oppressive forces that have shaped Senegalese history, Emitaï explores the strains that colonialism places upon cultural traditions and, in the process, discovers a people’s hidden reserves of rebellion and dignity.

101 minutes
in Diola and French
Criterion Release 2024

Ousmane Sembène was 48 when he directed Emitaï.

The Film


Film Rating (0-60):


The Extras

The Booklet


Video tribute

Documentary 1

Documentary 2

Documentary 3

Controversial altered ending

Theatrical trailer

Extras Rating (0-40):


60 + 39 =

By Spine #


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