#1203b: AKERMAN, Chantal: L'enfant aimé, ou Je jous à être une femme mariée (1971)

AKERMAN, Chantal (Belgium)
L'enfant aimé, ou Je jous à être une femme mariée [1971]
Spine #1203b

One of Chantal Akerman’s most rarely seen works is an intimate portrait of a young mother (played by Claire Wauthion) whose day-to-day routines are intercut with her stream-of-consciousness ruminations on her family, sex life, relationships, and body. Though Akerman (who also appears in the film) was later dismissive of her second directorial effort, its patient focus on the tension between domesticity and a woman’s inner life marks L’enfant aimé as an important link in the development of her artistry.

32 minutes
Black and White
in French
Criterion Release 2024


Chantal Akerman was 21 when she directed L'enfant aimé, ou Je à être une femme mariée.


Film Rating (0-60):


The Extras

The Booklet


Video tribute

Documentary 1

Documentary 2

Documentary 3

Controversial altered ending

Theatrical trailer

Extras Rating (0-40):


60 + 39 =

By Spine #


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