#123: MAYSLES, Albert; MAYSLES, David; HOVDE, Ellen & MEYER, Muffie: Grey Gardens (1976) / #361: MAYSLES, Albert & MAYSLES, David: The Beales Of Grey Gardens (2006)

GREY GARDENS [1976] / THE BEALES OF GREY GARDENS [2006] BOX SET [Spine #123 & Spine #361]

MAYSLES, Albert & David, HOVDE, Ellen and MEYER, Muffie (United States)
Grey Gardens [1976]
Spine #123

A true American original, legendary vérité documentarians Albert and David Maysles's Grey Gardens discovers an unexpected branch of Jackie Onassis's family: cousins Big and Little Edie Beale. High-society castaways keeping house in a dilapidated East Hampton mansion, this fiercely independent mother-and-daughter team live unapologetically idiosyncratic lives, and this now classic film captures them at once with empathy, fascination, and an overwhelming wistfulness.

94 minutes
1:33:1 aspect ratio
Criterion Release 2006/2013

Albert Maysles was 50, David Maysles was 45, when they directed Grey Gardens, with Ellen Hovde and Muffie Meyer.

The Film

Big and Little Edie. You can almost smell the cat piss. Well-made — and occasionally unintentionally humorous, but it gets old quickly. Hard to believe there’s a sequel (Spine #361) ...

Film Rating (0-60):


The Extras

The Booklet

Six-page wraparound with an essay by critic Hilton Als.


by directors Albert Maysles, Hovde, and Meyer; and associate producer Susan Froemke.


to The Beales of Grey Gardens by Maysles (see Spine #361).

Video interview 1

Excerpts from a 1976 recorded interview with Little Edie Beale, by Kathryn G. Graham, for Interview magazine.

Video interview 2

With fashion designers Todd Oldham and John Bartlett on the continuing influence of Grey Gardens.

Behind-the-scenes photographs



Extras Rating (0-40):


44 + 33 =


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